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The Bible

We believe that the bible is “God-breathed” and was written down by certain men as they were controlled by the Holy Spirit. Their writings were without error, and are profitable to us today for holy living. The Bible is our final authority on all matters of faith and life, and it is to be honored, read, studied, and obeyed.

The Trinity

We believe in One God of three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – as He is presented in the Bible.

The Son

We believe in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, born of a virgin, crucified, risen the third day, and coming again in glory and power to rapture believers, and to establish His Kingdom.

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit; that he indwells all believers; that His ministries include convicting of sin, regenerating sinners who repent, and sanctifying believers onto holy living; and that He distributes to all believers certain gifts which are necessary for effective spiritual growth.


We believe that God created the world in six literal days – as described in the Genesis account.


We believe that man was created in the image of God, but by his own choice, at the prompting of Satan, rebelled against God’s authority, and came under His condemnation and wrath; and that as a consequence, all mankind is born with an inner nature which is in rebellion against God, and is thereby hopelessly alienated from God, unable on his own, to change that predicament.


We believe that God sent His Son Jesus to provide for our salvation; that by His death as our substitute, He paid the punishment for our sin and ransomed us to God; that by His death, we have been reconciled unto God; that God has declared us to be forgiven and no longer under His condemnation and wrath; that through faith, we claim the free gift of eternal life; and that all of this is accomplished, not by anything which we might do, but by God’s grace alone.  Those whom God saves, He keeps, and that the believer is therefore eternally secure in his salvation.


We believe that there is an essential difference between those who are saved and those who are not: the saved will be physically resurrected and enjoy eternity in the presence of God, but those who reject salvation will continue in the path they have chosen for themselves, and will remain separated from God, and they will exist eternally in Hell, a place of misery and darkness because God is not there.

The Church

We believe that the Church is the body of all believers; that Jesus Christ is her head; that she is the primary means through which God is carrying out His purposes in the world; and that her great mission is to witness to all people the glory of God and the supremacy of His Son Jesus, as Savior and Lord.  The two ordinances of the Church are (1) believer’s baptism by immersion – symbolizing our sharing in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus, and (2) the taking of the Lord’s Supper.

The Sabbath

We believe that Sunday, the day of the Lord’s Resurrection, is a day to be set aside and kept sacred for spiritual purposes.

The Second Coming

We believe in the sudden and unpredictable return of Jesus Christ to rapture His Church, and that at that instant, all believers who have already died will also be caught up from their graves and united with the Lord.